Sean Caine is a seasoned communications professional with over 25 years of media relations, strategic planning and crisis communications experience working first as a member of the media in Baltimore and Philadelphia, then directing the communications operations as Public Information Officer for the Attorney General of the State of Maryl
Sean Caine is a seasoned communications professional with over 25 years of media relations, strategic planning and crisis communications experience working first as a member of the media in Baltimore and Philadelphia, then directing the communications operations as Public Information Officer for the Attorney General of the State of Maryland (four years) and Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Communications for the Archdiocese of Baltimore (17 years). During his time with the Archdiocese, Sean served as both a spokesman and a strategic advisor, navigating the institution through several crises, most notably the clergy sexual abuse crisis, the closure and consolidation of Catholic schools and, more recently, the 2020 outbreak of the COVID-19 Virus. Sean created Caine Communications to employ the practices he gained over his 27 years of managing crises for the benefit of clients, companies and institutions in need of seasoned, time-tested and principled counsel.